Cooking with Cale is funded by open-source from contributions from people like you. If you would like to contribute to the Cookbooks or any of their source repositories, you can do so on GitHub at:

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Here are some of the projects that you can contribute too:

Reset Embedded C++ Embedded-C++ Engineering Entrepreneurship Hardware IMUL Inventing Productivity Script2 Software Startups

Antifa-nazi Riot Cookbook

Embedded C++ Script2 IMUL


Embedded C++ Script2 IMUL

IGEEK Cookbook

Embedded C++ Script2 IMUL

IGeek Cookbook YouTube channel

Embedded C++ Script2 IMUL

Greentech Cookbook

Hardware Software

Greentech Cookbook on YouTube

Hardware Software

Astartup Cookbook

Entrepreneurship Startups Inventing Engineering Productivity

KabukiPress Cookbook

Embedded-C++ Script2


Embedded C++ Script2

Kabuki Toolkit

Embedded C++ Script2 IMUL